The drama comedy is based on a 2011 story published in Vanity Fair about Michael, Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando escaping from New York following the terrorist attack, reported People magazine.
The special would also star Stockard Channing as Elizabeth and Brian Cox as Marlon.
"It's a challenge. It's a comedy. It doesn't poke mean fun but it's a story, possibly urban legend, whereby Michael, Marlon Brando, and Liz Taylor were all together the day before 9/11 doing a concert. Airspace was shut down and they couldn't get out and Michael had the bright idea to go to hire a car and drive.
The "Shakespeare in Love" actor said the project gives an insight into the life of these celebrities.
"It's a lovely thing about Michael's relationship with Liz Taylor and Marlon Brando. It's a fun, light-hearted tongue in cheek road trip of what celebrity of that kind is like. But also it's rather beautiful and poignant about their relationships as well.