Joshi, while filing his nomination here also declared in an affidavit that he has Rs 50,000 in cash and about 150 grams of jewellery.
He owns an old jeep and an old car while his wife has an Ambassador car in her name. Joshi's wife has 220 grams of jewellery and deposit of Rs 20 lakh in banks. The BJP leader and his wife have also invested in shares and debentures.
The BJP leader, who is sitting MP from Varanasi from where Narendra Modi is in the fray now, is former Physics professor from University of Allahabad.
Joshi has also declared that he has a case against him at Ram Janambhoomi police station in Ayodhya. He has given his friend's address of Swaroop Nagar as his residential address in the affidavit.