Second Additional Sessions Judge Rajendra Kumar Verma yesterday framed the charges under section 120 (B) (criminal conspiracy) and other relevant sections of IPC against Pragya Thakur, Vasudev Parmar and Anand Raj Kataria.
The court also framed charges under sections 120 (B) and 302 (murder) of IPC against others accused -- Harshad Solanki, Lokesh Sharma, Rajendra Chaudhary, Ram Chandra Patel and Jitendra Sharma.
Joshi had been chargesheeted by NIA in connection with 2007 Samjhauta Express train blast case.
The MP Police, after having closed the Joshi murder case, reopened it and filed a charge sheet in Dewas, alleging Sadhvi Pragya Thakur, arrested in the Malegaon blasts case, and four others had murdered him, fearing he might expose the entire conspiracy from Samjhauta to Ajmer blasts.