BJP in alliance had ruled the state for over 11 years since the separate state of Jharkhand was carved out of Bihar 15 years ago.
During the period, BJP-headed chief ministers had signed about 150 MOUs with prospective investors including Tatas, Mittal, Jindal groups but none of the MOU was implemented as yet, said the JPCC secretary, S R A Rizvi Chabban.
Chabban told PTI that the MoUs worth Rupees three lakh crores including Rs 42,000 crore for setting up integrated steel plant in Tentoposhi in adjoining Seraikela-Kharswan district, Rs.40,000 crore by steel giant Laxmi Narayan Mittal, Rs.35,000 crore by Jindals for the same reason and Rs 15,000 crore by Tata Power
The Chief Minister should speak out and apprise the general masses whether the government intended to honour these MoUs even now or desired to cancel it, the JPCC leader demanded.
The state government had promised to develop a land bank but did not initiate any step in this regard, he said describing Das government as the "government of announcement".