During the day, the scrip climbed 11.29 per cent to touch its intra-day high at Rs 75.40 on the BSE. It closed at Rs 74.25, up 9.59 per cent, on the BSE.
Following the uptick, the market capitalisation of the company improved by Rs 1,065.41 crore to Rs 12,177.41 crore.
Meanwhile, shares of Jaiprakash Power Ventures also witnessed good demand on the bourses. The stock climbed 5.39 per cent to settle at Rs 5.87 at BSE. The company's shares rose by 8.61 per cent to touch its intra-day high of Rs 6.05.
Moreover, the broader market was also trading in the positive territory, which also helped investor sentiments.
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The 30-share benchmark index Sensex today surged 424.06 points to close at 25,317.87, while the wider Nifty climbed 129.45 points to 7,688.25.
The two projects bought by JSW Energy are 300 MW Baspa-II and 1,091 MW Karcham Wangtoo.
Besides, JSW Energy has entered into a binding agreement with JPVL to acquire 500 MW Bina thermal power plant in Madhya Pradesh.
"The acquisition helps in diversifying the power generation portfolio with high hydro power assets, besides increasing the share of long-term PPA (power purchase agreement) in our basket," JSW Energy Chairman and Managing Director Sajjan Jindal said in a statement.