According to Goa mines directorate's website, the company bought fines in an auction conducted on May 12 at a price ranging between Rs 1,830 and Rs 1,970 per tonne amounting to Rs 214.35 lakh.
Anil Agarwal-led Sesa Sterlite also participated in the third round of auction.
A JSW Steel spokesperson said the fines are meant for the company's Dolvi steel plant, which earlier belonged to Ispat Industries. Later, JSW Steel bought it and subsequently, Ispat Industries was renamed as JSW Ispat.
JSW Steel has a 4-mtpa pellet plant at Dolvi. It will bring fines through the sea route to make pellets.
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JSW Steel's participation in the auctioning of Goa ore would help it to tide over the gaps that were to accrue from last week's stay order by the Supreme court on mining of 26 leases in Odisha, sources said.
The Supreme Court had on October 5, 2013 stopped mining, transportation and export of iron ore in Goa following a report of irregularities by the Justice M B Shah Commission.
About 1.62 million tonnes of iron ore had been auctioned in two rounds till now and approximately Rs 260 crore realised from it.