"Nawaz Sharif should not have met with Narendra Modi and exchanged smiles with him in Paris. It has hurt the sentiments of the Kashmiri Muslims," Saeed said at aseminar titled 'Kashmir Issue and Rise of Hindu Extremism in India' at the Lahore High Court here on December 2 organised by the Pakistan Justice Party.
The Pakistani media did not cover the event as the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has banned any media coverage of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), JuD and Flahai Insaniyat Foundation (FIF).
He has challenged the media ban on his organisations in the high court here which issued notices to the government and PEMRA for reply next week.
He said Sharifshould sever relations with India till resolution of the Kashmir issue.
"Nawaz Sharif should announce that there will be no talks with India till it ends atrocities against Kashmiri and Indian Muslims," he said adding that till the resolution of the Kashmir dispute there should be no trade, no cricket and no talks with India.
Saeed said "When they are not in power they talk about the oppressed Kashmiri people as if they are the champion of the Kashmir cause. But when they are in power they forget them".