Justice V K Bali, a retired judge of Punjab and Haryana high court, commenced his probe into the incident that hogged limelight after the 13-year-old girl along with her mother (45) were pushed by her molesters from Orbit company bus, owned by Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal's family.
"Justice Bali arrived at Moga today and started enquiry," officials said here.
Justice Bali spoke to the senior police officers regarding the incident.
Sukhdev, in his complaint, had alleged that the employees of Orbit company bus had outraged the modesty of his daughter, and when both mother and daughter objected, they were thrown out from the moving vehicle.
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The girl had died while her mother received serious injuries leading to hue and cry by several quarters, including political parties like Congress.
The shocking incident occurred on April 29 close to Gill village on Moga-Kotkapura road, about 10 km from Moga district headquarters.
Bus driver Ranjit Singh, conductor Sukhvinder Singh and helpers - Baldev Singh and Amarnath - have been arrested.
The Commission would visit the site of the incident tomorrow, officials said.