Just Dial's scrip tanked 12.59 per cent to settle at Rs 1,287.85 on the BSE. During the day, the stock slumped 17.38 per cent to Rs 1,217.20.
At the NSE, the stock nosedived by 13.04 per cent to close the day at Rs 1,288, after falling over 18 per cent during the day trade.
On the volumes front, 5.90 lakh shares of the company changed hands on the BSE, while over 25 lakh shares were trade at the NSE.
Revenues increased 6.4 per cent to Rs 119.9 crore from Rs 112.7 crore, Q-o-Q.
The overall equity market was also weak with the BSE benchmark index, Sensex, ending 23.94 points lower at 20,683.51.