After surging 3.5 per cent to Rs 1,620.90 in intra-day trade, shares of Just Dial settled 2.02 per cent higher at Rs 1,597.70 on the BSE.
At the NSE, it gained 1.51 per cent to close at Rs 1,591.15.
"... Foreign institutional investors (FIIs)/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs) can now invest up to 75 per cent (revised from earlier limit of 49 per cent) of the paid-up capital of Just Dial Limited under PIS," RBI had said in a notification yesterday.
FIIs held 26.64 per cent shares in the company as of September 30, 2014.
FIIs, NRIs and PIOs (Persons of Indian Origins) can invest in primary and secondary capital markets in India through PIS.
RBI monitors the ceilings on FII/NRI/PIO investments in Indian companies on a daily basis and has fixed the cut-off points two percentage points lower than the actual ceiling.