In a letter to Telecom Minister Manoj Sinha, Justice Patel said that the actions of these operators are in "clear violation of several clauses of their licence which should invite strict action from the Department of Telecom in its capacity as Licensor" and hence a penalty of Rs 3,300 crore should be imposed on these operators individually.
Citing newspaper reports on operators not providing adequate interconnectivity to Jio, Justice Patel said that with the entry of Reliance Jio in the market, the three telecom operators "are taking measures which are against the interest of consumers."
He further noted that incumbent telecom operators are also refusing to allow mobile number portability for their existing subscribers opting to shift to Reliance Jio without any valid reasons.
It said that the three operators - Airtel, Vodafone and Idea - provide services in 22 circles and issues related to interconnection, service quality and mobile number portability exist on all the circles for these operators.
"For these three operators, the total penalty amount comes to Rs 3300 crore X 3, that is Rs 9900 crore," the letter pointed out.
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