His view was supported by senior most judge of the apex court Justice G S Singhvi, who said justice remains an "illusion" for millions of poor people.
They were speaking on the occasion of National Legal Services Day.
Justice Sathasivam said most of the people still believe that interest of litigants goes unnoticed in legal proceedings and steps need to be taken for changing the mindset and to spread awareness.
Justice Singhvi said it is time to "ponder over whether in 65 years we have been able to achieve the goal to provide justice for people and whether we have created an atmosphere where everybody has equality of opportunity and status for people.
Singhvi said the causes of injustice to the millions of people are illiteracy, lack of awareness, inordinate delay in court proceedings, litigation expenses and cumbersome procedure. He asked judges to take a humane approach in handling cases of the less privileged section of society.
"We need to rededicate ourself for the cause of justice," he said. "I must admit and confess that Legal Service Authorities across the country have changed the scenario and justice has become accessible now.