"There is a Rs 7,700 crore deficit in the Budget. The claim of remaining within the three per cent of the FRBM Act is manipulation of figures," JVM's Legislature Party leader Pradip Yadav said in the state Assembly.
Speaking on budgetary debate after the state government had on February 19 tabled an estimated Rs 63,502.69 crore Budget, Yadav questioned the increase in the per capita income, saying there was an unequal distribution of money among people.
Narayan said a separate Budget for Agriculture within the General Budget would take the sector forward.
Opposition Jharkhand Mukti Morcha's MLA and former deputy chief minister Stephen Marandi said though it was good that focus was given on agriculture, irrigation still lagged in the state and there were thousands of defunct hand pumps.
"Unless irrigation is strengthened, agriculture will not develop... Check dams should be built at proper places," Marandi said.