The 28-year-old actress, who went for short hair earlier this month, said it is the best decision she has ever made. reported Female First.
"I wanted it (hair cut) to be my own, but my inspiration was Michelle Williams' Louis Vuitton campaign. I loved that haircut so much. I didn't try to copy it, but I liked that look on her," she said.
"This haircut was big for me. I cut off like 10 inches and I love it. I haven't had my hair short in over 20 years so I needed a change. It's the best decision I've ever made," she added.
"It's funny, I actually feel like I can do this hair a thousand times more differently than I could do with my long hair. I feel like it can be edgy, it can be cute, 60s... Kind of whatever I'm feeling," the actress said.