After surging 6.15 per cent to Rs 226 in intra-day trade, shares of the company finally ended at Rs 217.35, up 2.09 per cent on BSE.
At NSE, the stock went up by 1.51 per cent to settle at Rs 217.25.
Profit-booking cut down the gains in the stock.
"KPTL... Has secured new orders/notification of award in excess of Rs 1,150 crore," the company said in a BSE filing today.
"The project has been awarded to KPTL and its wholly-owned subsidiary Kalpataru Power DMCC and will be delivered by respective entities," it added.
The second order is construction of 220 kv and 132 kv sub-stations, transmission lines and feeder bay work of Rs 220 crore from Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company.