Kangana, 29, gave her statement to police yesterday in connection with an FIR filed by Hrithik that an online imposter had been sending e-mails under his guise to his fans and the actress.
"My client Kangana Ranaut shall never succumb to any pressure. Some common people who had intervened had a fixed agenda of only scaring my client and hiding the truth, which could not happen," Kangana's lawyer Rizwan Siddiquee said in a statement.
Siddiquee rejected Hrithik's claim that Kangana was interacting with an imposter.
"My client knows and is fully convinced that there is no imposter as had there really been one, then Hrithik himself would have immediately acted on my client's sister complaint which he received on his correct email id on the 25th of May 2014.
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"His own acts of commissions and omissions after receipt of the said emails from my client's sister, coupled with his blatant lies from time to time, speak volumes of his conduct."
"To have an edge over my client he has tried everything within his means including slut-shaming, changing his public relations team, obtaining private cyber report which was paid for by him and also by changing his lawyer. However nothing is going to help as Hrithik Roshan cannot change the facts of the matter."
Meanwhile, Hrithik's lawyers said they are happy the 29-year-old actress has finally recorded the statement with the police, something they believe she should have done earlier.