Maharashtra Home Minister AnilDeshmukh on Sunday said the Central Bureau of Investigation has taken custody of scam-accused DHFL promoters Kapil and Dheeraj Wadhawan in Satara and that the local police had extended all cooperation to the central probe agency.The duo, accused of financial irregularities under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act and out on bail since February 21, were held earlier this month while on their way in a motorcade to Mahabaleshwar from the metropolis in violation of lockdown norms."A #CBI team has taken both Kapil and Dhiraj Wadhwan into custody. @SataraPolice has given them all required assistance & an escort vehicle with 1+3 guard upto Mumbai on a written request. The arrest procedures are going on. #LawEqualForAll," the minister tweeted.Deshmukh had earlier requested CBI to take custody of the two on Wednesday after their quarantine ended in Satara.