In an interview to PTI, Karat said that as far as West Bengal was concerned, the party saw the ruling Trinamool Congress as a bigger political opponent than BJP.
The 21st party congress of CPM, where Karat's successor would be chosen, began here today.
"We made our position clear (with regard to the merger of left parties). At this stage what is important is unity of left parties (not merger)...(To) Bring other left parties together on a common platform. Through our united work and united struggles we can go towards higher stage of unity later.
The 20th Congress Political Resolution of CPI(M) had stated that in the current situation, when the Left has suffered serious electoral reverses, it is of utmost importance to expand the influence and base of the party in other states and to accomplish that, it is essential to strengthen and expand the independent role of the party, he said.
On the party's dwindling strength, Karat said the ongoing meet will work out strategies on how to bring it back to the forefront.