"Karnataka signed UDAY MoU resulting in gains of around Rs 4,300 crore over the next 3 years," Power Minister Piyush Goyal said in a tweet.
The minister also said: "Goa signed UDAY MOU in presence of @goaCM. State stands to gain around Rs 270 crore over the next 3 years through UDAY reforms."
Earlier in the month, the minister had said that Assam is also keen to join the UDAY scheme, which is aimed at reviving the debt-laden power distribution companies.
Government had earlier said that the Power Ministry would soon approach the Cabinet to seek approval for enabling private sector electricity distribution companies (discoms) to get operational benefits of the Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY).
Under this scheme for reviving financially stressed electricity distribution utilities, state governments takeover 75 per cent of the debt with the electricity distribution utilities. The remaining debt is issued as discom bonds, backed by state governments.