Karnataka Chief Minister B SYediyurappa on Wednesday constituted four Groups of Ministers (GoMs) aimed at implementing extended COVID-19 lockdown and ensuring smooth supply of essentials.The decision was taken at a meeting Yediyurappa had with top ministers and each group has been tasked with specified responsibilities such as strengthening the supply chain of essentials and addressing requirements of farmers and migrant workers, Deputy Chief Minister C N Ashwath Narayan told PTI."The discussion was regarding maintaining the essential supplies... also regarding migrant workers and supplies to them including ration was discussed during the meeting... groups of Ministers have been tasked with certain responsibilities," Narayan, who was part of the meeting, said.Primary and Secondary Education Minister Suresh Kumar said the meeting also discussed containment measures to check the spread of coronavirus and meeting the requirements of farmers in view of agricultural activities commencing.Ashwath Narayn would be in charge of maintaining the essential supplies chain in coordination with Food and Civil Supplies Minister K Gopaliah, Horticulture Minister K Narayana Gowda, Cooperation Minister S T Somashekar and Agriculture Minister B C Patil.Primary and Secondary Education Minister Suresh Kumar will be focusing on migrant workers in coordination with Labour Minister A Shivaram Hebbar.Revenue Minister R Ashoka has been tasked with distribution of ration and supplies in Bengaluru, along with Gopaliah.Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai headed team would look after law and order and facilitating the movement of vehicles during the national lockdown which has been extended till May 3.