They have scored 7.5 points each and defending champion SP Sethuraman of PSPB, new comer to National Premier K Praneeth Surya of Telangana and IM P. Karthikeyan of Railways are behind by one point.
Vidit, playing the Classical variation against his team mate Neelotpal Das's Nimzo Indian defence, gave up his rook for a knight and pawn. Later, Neelotpal gave back the exchange to mount pressure on Vidit's king, but could not maintain the tempo, irrespective of the fact that he won exchange again. The truce was signed after 48 moves.
K Praneeth Surya, the find of the tournament attacked with Rossolimo variation to the Sicilian defence by his opponent GM MR Venkatesh of PSPB. Consuming a very long time on his clock during the middle game, Praneeth played most of the latter half of the game under time pressure. It did not deter him and he played accurately, sacrificing his bishop.
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A win in the next round will fetch him the coveted GM norm. When Abhijit Kunte of PSPB began with king side fianchetto, Karthikeyan Murali counter balanced it with the reversed King's Indian attack. Keeping safety in mind, Karthikeyan accepted the draw offer by Kunte to raise his tally to 7.5 points. Handling the black side of Queens Indian defence,IM P. Karthikeyan of Railways also agreed for a quick draw with his team mate IM Swapnil Dhopade, after completing the stipulated 25 number of moves to offer or accept a draw.
IM P. Shyaam Nikhil of Tamil Nadu chose the Rubinstein variation against the Nimzo Indian defence by former under 12 world champion Deep Sengupta of PSPB. In the knight and pawn ending, Shyaam sacrificed his knight to extricate half a point.