Referring to Stalin, Karunanidhi said "treasurer until now" and then gave a pause and amid thunderous applause added, "if understood, then it is alright and if not understood, still it's fine."
He made these remarks at the very outset of his address to thousands of party workers at the YMCA Grounds here on the occasion of his 92nd birthday celebrations.
On some previous occasions, Karunanidhi had given ample indications that Stalin was likely to be the next party chief.
In what is seen as Karunanidhi's reply to a criticism that young people faced difficulties often in growing in DMK's party hierarchy which had several old faces, he said everyone could aspire for top positions in the party.
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Referring to Stalin's party work and detailing his own growth story in DMK, he recalled how he went on to become the party president after starting as a secretary for an area in Thanjavur district.
He also appealed to party youths to give up selfishness to grow and work for an egalitarian society.