Kerala Congress Chairman and former Union Minister P C Thomas said that the reports on Western Ghats prepared by Madhav Gadgil and K Kasturirangan have failed to assess the contribution of farming community in protecting the ecology of the hills.
Addressing a Parliament March organised by his party's youth wing--Kerala Youth Front, Thomas said that the rubber plantations in the Western Ghats region in Kerala absorb huge amount of carbon from atmosphere and protect the region from global warming.
He said that rubber based agroforestry system contributes economic yield to the farmers while protecting the environment, conserving soil, water and nutrients.
Thomas said that growers of natural rubber and cardamom are in deep crisis because of falling prices and urged the Centre to "correct" its import policy.
"Rubber prices have come down from Rs 230 per kg to 140 per kg. Cardamom prices have come down from Rs 2,000 per kg to Rs 500 per kg. The Centre should raise the import duty of rubber to 25 per cent instead of reducing it from 25 per cent to 7.5 per cent," he said.