A special bench of justices Gita Mittal and V K Shali said it is the "prerogative" of the bench, hearing the arguments on the sentence, to decide the applications, which include a plea against the Yadav's seeking permission several times to avail medical help in private hospitals.
The counsel, appearing for the Yadavs, had contended before the court that the purpose behind the applications filed against Yadav's plea seeking medical treatment outside the jail has "served its purpose".
He also raised the issue of sentencing, saying that with the convicts' appeals having been dismissed the only remaining possibility is enhancement of their punishment, as the petitions remaining are those filed by the police and Neelam Katara, the victim's mother.
The trial court had awarded life sentence to Vikas, his cousin Vishal Yadav and Sukhdev Pehalwan for the murder of Nitish.
Nitish, belonging to Katara caste, was abducted and killed by Vikas, Vishal and Pehalwan as the Yadavs did not approve the victim's affair with Bharti, daughter of D P Yadav, as they belong to different castes, the high court had said while upholding their conviction on April 3.