Katrina, 32, was accompanied by actor Aditya Roy Kapur on the reality TV show to promote their upcoming romance "Fitoor". This was the second time that the actress appeared on Salman's show after her 2010 visit for the promotion of her comedy "Tees Maar Khan".
Though they were sharing the stage after a long time, the ex-couple's comfort level was evident. Be it Katrina's leg-pulling by Salman or her demure retorts, there was no awkwardness between them and they looked at ease with each other.
"You were just 16-year-old when you came in the industry and reached so far. It is all your hard work, sheer hard work. If God asks me to choose between talent and hard work, I will pick the latter."
Katrina quipped, "I also have talent, maybe a little," to which the 50-year-old star replied, "When one keeps working hard, the talent keeps increasing. The whole country is in awe of you, including me! So, obviously you are talented."
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The "Bajrangi Bhaijaan" star also praised Katrina's dancing skills, referring to the slow, passionate song "Pashmina" from "Fitoor", where she is seen performing with Aditya. The two actors gave a sneak peek of their dance on the stage of "Bigg Boss".
"Fitoor", directed by Abhishek Kapoor, is touted as an intense love story and sticking to its theme, Salman asked Adtiya and Katrina to enact a romantic scene from the movie.
So impressed was Salman with the scene that he expressed his desire to do the same sequence with Katrina, which received a thunderous response from the audience.