"The idea is to unearth talents like 18-year-old Sanju Samson, the new poster boy for Kerala cricket, recently appointed vice captain of U-19 team for the triangular series in Australia," T C Mathew, newly appointed President of the KCA told reporters here.
Samson was also adjudged 'Best Young player of the season' in IPL 2013. Samson, who played for Rajasthan Royals, was the youngest to score a half century in the IPL match against Royal Challengers Bangalore this season.
Mathew said it is mandatory for all district associations to have a team, the composition of which would be two players from Under 16, three players each from Under 19, Under 22 and Under 25.
The inter district league matches are likely to be held after the monsoon, he said.
There were also plans to start an academy at the Sacred Hearts college here as a continuation of the Cash Kerala project scheme. Trainees who have passed plus two can continue to get training, he said.