Maharashtra Sports Minister SunilKedar on Friday said he is keen to use the Public-private partnership (PPP) model for growth of sports infrastructure in the state.Giving an example of his own constituency, where he has signed a pact with a private firm, Kedar said such a model was workable for the entire state."I have already made a project in my constituency -- Savner -- with the JSW Group. I have signed a MOU with them for the stadium and badminton (court). Games like cricket, hockey and football are played in the stadium and I personally feel this (PPP) is the workable model and we should go along with that," Kedar told reporters here."Land and some financial aid for infrastructure development can be given by the government and recurring expenditure for maintenance, for sports activity and coaches... the financial and technical support will be (provided) by (private) person who will enter the partnership," the minister said.