Senior Aam Aadmi Party leader Gopal Rai on Wednesday said Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is able to announce new schemes everyday for the welfare of people because of his "corruption-free and clean governance".
Rai, at a Jan Samvad Yatra organised in Adarsh Nagar, said in the past five years, the Kejriwal-led government managed to increase the budget of Delhi from Rs 30,000 crore to Rs 60,000 crore because of corruption-free and clean governance.
"The BJP leaders who criticise the AAP for making things free should try to make water free and subsidise electricity in one state ruled by them," Rai said.
Before the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), the Congress was in government for 15 consecutive years and the BJP for five years before that, but neither of them showed "any seriousness about the rising electricity charges", Rai said.
Launched under the leadership of Rai ahead of the Delhi polls, due early next year, the Jan Samvad Yatra aims at holding interactions between the AAP and the people till October 3 at various areas of the city.