Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday demanded that Punjab, Haryana and the central government fix timelines for stopping stubble burning, saying air quality in the national capital was worsened by pollutants from the neighbouring states.
Sharing details of the odd-even road rationing scheme, which was notified on Friday, Kejriwal slammed the opposition BJP for seeking credit for achievements of his government but keeping "mum" on crop residue burning in the neighbouring states.
Opposition parties should stop blaming and mocking the people of Delhi who have supported harshest of steps to reduce pollution, he said.
The odd-even scheme will be implemented in the national capital from November 4 to November 15.
"We demand specific timelines and milestones on actions taken by these governments on stubble burning. They must also be answerable for their actions," Kejriwal said in a press conference.
Pollution levels are increasing day by day in Delhi and everyone can see how polluted the air of Delhi is, Kejriwal said, showing two photographs of the city skyline clicked on September 30 and October 31.
"To the leaders saying that pollution is not because of stubble burning, I want to ask, what could have possibly happened in one month? Nothing major has happened in the state, no major industries have opened, no new vehicles have come in, so there is no other cause of pollution in Delhi."
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