Kejriwal said that that from the next year, government will increase the prize money for the achievers to motivate and encourage them towards record collection of VAT further to increase the revenue.
An official said that these officers were awarded for excellence for detecting tax evasion for achieving the revenue growth set for the year 2015-16 to the groups of officers of different wards/zones.
The Delhi Chief Minister also advised officers and employees to use technologies and the information bases system.
He also said that the shortage of employees in the VAT Deptt will soon be overcome by taking the needy staff on contractual basis so that the functioning of the Department of Trade & Tax is not suffered.
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VAT Commissioner S S Yadav while giving information about the scheme said that this is the first kind of Reward Scheme formulated to incentivize the high
The Scheme include different types of rewards. All the officers/officials from the lowest to the highest rank are eligible for the reward.
According to scheme, the reward for achieving and exceeding targets - the total amount of reward would be .025 per cent of the target and .05 per cent of the additional amount collected.
The total reward amount for the department will be distributed amongst all the employees in proportion to his or her basic salary (basic pay + grade Pay). These awards would be both at ward level/zonal level.