BJP said Kejriwal tried to project himself as "different" whereas he was not, and proved to be like any other politician hungry for power. It said with this expose, the claims of senior AAP leader Yogendra Yadav that Kejriwal only wanted power have also been proved to be right.
"Kejriwal used to ask his people to do sting and record any wrong-doing. His own people have recorded and presented his own picture before the world. Kejriwal's real face today stands exposed before the world as one having no principle and who is only seeking to grab power," BJP national secretary Shrikant Sharma said.
"Where are his principles now. He said he was different. But it seems he is also hungry for power. Where is his internal Lokpal, which he talked about so much?" Sharma asked while seeking clarifications from the AAP leader.
Besieged by infighting, the AAP was today hit by twin blows with former party MLA from Rohini Rajesh Garg accusing Kejriwal of trying to poach six Congress MLAs to form government last year following which its prominent Mumbai face Anjali Damania quit the party.
"We are ready to form the government, but Congress is not ready to support us. Manish is in touch with the Congress. Do one thing, split the Congress and ask their six MLAs to float a new party and support us," Kejriwal was purportedly heard saying in a telephonic conversation with Garg.
"Congress won't support us. We have been trying for the last one and a half months. These six Congress MLAs would have supported BJP, but three of them are Muslims. They won't support the BJP. Those six MLAs should support us," Kejriwal was heard telling Garg in the clip.