BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra said dengue, which has claimed at least 17 lives and affected thousands in the national capital, was a "predictable disaster", but Kejriwal failed to take preventive measures as he was "busy" in DUSU polls, rock concerts and publicity drive.
The saffron party's attack on the Aam Aadmi Party leader came after he sought Prime Minister Narendra Modi's invertention following a directive by Lt Governor Najeeb Jung warning Delhi government officials not to follow the city government's "illegal" orders.
Patra said Kejriwal had a habit of "picking a fight" and projecting himself as a victim all the time.
"The LG's letter asks officials to follow the Constitution but does it mean that you should not fight against dengue? Why to politicise every issue? He is linking dengue with the LG's letter which is misleading. Once again, he is trying to become a victim," Patra told a press conference.