In a sudden move, Delhi's Social Welfare Minister Sandeep Kumar was sacked by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday, after receiving an 'objectionable' CD in which he was purportedly shown in a compromising position with a woman.
The decision to remove the 36-year-old minister was taken at a high-level meeting attended by top AAP leaders and the announcement was made by Kejriwal himself through a tweet.
"Received 'objectionable' CD of minister Sandeep Kr. AAP stands for propriety in public life. That can't be compromised. Removing him from Cabinet wid immediate effect," Kejriwal tweeted.
Sources said the CD purportedly showed Kumar, also Women and Child Development Minister, in a compromising position with a woman.
"The CD came to us half-an-hour back. We saw the CD and took the decision to sack him immediately. AAP has zero tolerance for crime and corruption," Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia told reporters tonight.
Kumar represents Sultanpur Majra constituency. He is the second AAP minister to be sacked after Asim Ahmed Khan who was Minister for Food and Supplies.