Labour Minister Gopal Rai said the first meeting of the chief minister with the farmers will be held on May 25 in Matiala and Najafgarh. Both constituencies cover substantial rural areas.
"The chief minister will directly interact with farmers in Matiala and Najafgarh constituencies on May 25. In the second phase, he will interact with farmers in Narela and other areas," Rai, who is also AAP's Delhi convener, said.
Last week, the Kejriwal government had declared 89 villages here as urban areas which would help the authorities develop infrastructure projects in those localities.
Around 20-25 lakh housing units will come up in these urbanised villages in the next 5-10 years and this will ensure properties are available at affordable rates.
The main feature of the policy is that housing projects could be developed by builders on the returned agricultural land.
Earlier, building housing units on agricultural land of these 89 villages was not allowed as the LPP was not in place.