Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today welcomed the Supreme Court's order that said there cannot be a "complete ban" on holding protests and sit-ins at places like Jantar Mantar and Boat Club.
The chief minister said attempts to convert Delhi into a police state was "dangerous" for democracy. "I welcome the Hon'ble Supreme Court verdict upholding peaceful right to protest in central Delhi.
"Attempts to convert Delhi into a police state is dangerous for democracy and rightly struck down by (the) Hon'ble Supreme Court," Kejriwal tweeted.
Earlier in the day, a bench comprising justices A K Sikri and Ashok Bhushan said there was a need to strike a balance between conflicting rights such as the right to protest and the right of citizens to live peacefully.
"There cannot be a complete ban on holding protests at places like Jantar Mantar and Boat Club (near India Gate)," the bench said, while directing the Centre to frame guidelines on the matter.