In his message, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said Balamuralikrishna was 'an incomparable personality in contemporary Carnatic music' and his death was an 'irreparable loss' to the music world.
Kerala also joined the nation in mourning the death of one of the great musicians of the country, he said.
The state is indebted to him for bringing into the limelight the various krities of Swati Tirunal, the erstwhile Maharajah of Travancore, by including them in his concerts and making them popular, he said.
Balamuralikrishna had been awarded the prestigious Swati Puraskaram, the state's highest honour for musicians instituted by the Kerala government in 2012.
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Meanwhile, Kerala GovernorP Sathasivam condoled the death of Balamuralikrishna.
In a message, he said the sad demise of the "great musical genius" was "a loss beyond words to the world of music."
"His greatness went beyond the realm of performing to the heights of scholarship which he shared with innumerable followers across the world. The musical pilgrimage of this genius who created over 25 ragas and performed in eight languages will continue forever through his contributions," he said.