He was replying to a calling attention moved by K Sivadasan Nair (Cong) in the assembly to the necessity for enacting a law to prevent the uncivilised and cruel practise of piercing of spears in body parts, including that of children as part of religious customs.
The Minister said that certain practises are part of age-old religious customs and traditions. "They cannot be banned by law. They can be curbed only after arriving at a consensus in society by discussion."
The draft of the bill is being prepared and government expects the legislation to be introduced in the house either during the current session or the next session, he said.
The bill was in the backdrop of recurrence of tragic sorcery cases, he pointed out.
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Nair wanted government to ban the body piercing in the name of religious rituals being held during the festival period in several Lord Muruga temples in the state.
"Even small children are also subjected to such cruel practises', he pointed out.