"The way law and order is being maintained in the state, particularly in Perumbavoor is to be condemned," said Kumar, adding that "the political atmosphere in the state, ruled by the UDF and LDF in turns had undergone a sea change. People want to reject them."
In the brutal rape and murder of a woman in Perumbavoor, police are still finding it difficult to nab the culprits, which is a "question mark" over the law and order situation here, Kumar said.
The BJP leader said the Left front has "secretly" become a Congress 'B-team' in Kerala whereas the scenario is very much open in West Bengal.
"Both the Congress and left parties are together. They are hand in glove in hiding charges of corruption against each other", Kumar alleged.
The UDF as well as LDF were talking mostly about the BJP, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, NDA and Vellapally Natesan, during the last two months, he said.