Chief Minister Oommen Chandy will launch the pilot phase of the Kerala government's 'Learn to Code' project on February 21, under which 2,500 selected school students will be given Raspberry Pi computer kits and trained by IT experts to programme, a press release said here today.
The Raspberry Pi distribution is the first such project in India and currently the only state-sponsored programme of its kind in the world. It is being implemented by Technopark Technology Business Incubator (T-TBI) in association with Kerala's IT@School project and Kochi-based mobile-internet technology incubator Startup Village.
The computers will be distributed simultaneously to the selected students in all districts of the state. The inaugural will be followed by a training session handled by the faculty of IT@School. It will be telecast live to all district venues of IT@School via the Victers education channel.
The government, under the scheme, plans to distribute 10,000 kits annually to students, primarily in eighth standard, and follow it up with focussed training/mentoring sessions and competitions.