The award carries a prize money of Rs 5 crore, a citation and Gold Plated Rolling Trophy, a statement from the Kerala Governor, Justice P Sathasivam, who is the chancellor of universities in Kerala said.
The award selection was carried out by a 5-member commitee including Dr K M Abraham, Additional Chief Secretary, Higher Education dept as Chairman, Dr Suresh Das, Executive Director, Kerala State Council of Science and Technology and Environment, Thiruvananthapuram and Prof Kulbhushan Balooni, Director IIM-Kozhikode.
The Vice Chancellors conference held in October last year at the Cochin University of Science and Technology had decided to institute 'Chancellor's award 2014-15 to the best University to nurture the spirit of healthy competition among the universities resulting in better quality in higher education so as to make the Universities vibrant centres of learning.
The selection committe had visited the 11 universities, met the concerned varsity officials and verified their claims in their application forms with respect to the original documents and data produced before the inspection team. The Vice chanellors were also given opportuntiy to give a presentation on the achievements of the universities they head.
The state government had set apart rs 5 crore in the budget for the prize money, meant for capital expenditure for any major project in the university.