The Public Works Department, headed by Khadse's BJP colleague Chandrakant Patil, has sent him a reminder to pay rent arrears of Rs 15.50 lakh, according to an official reply received by RTI activist Anil Galgali.
The reminder was sent to Khadse at his home address in Jalgaon district on November 18. It said he resigned from the ministry on June 4, 2016 but vacated the bungalow only on November 19 the same year.
"As per norms, a minister can use his official residence free for 15 days, from the date he ceases to be a minister. With the government's permission, he can stay in the bungalow for three months on payment of Rs 25 per sq ft and after three months, this charge is Rs 50 per sq ft," Galgali said.
Galgali in his query had sought to know the status of bungalow's occupation and rent or arrears paid, if any.
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In response, Public Information Officer and Deputy Executive Engineer PWD furnished him the copy of the reminder dispatched to the former minister.
"This is a case of miscommunication, as I had vacated the bungalow before the deadline of three months ended on September 19, and also have a copy of the letter sent to the general administration department," he said.