"We have objection to the name of his portal as Khan Market is a renowned entity known not only in India but across the globe. This portal is misusing our market's name and hence amounts to trademark infringement," said Sanjiv Mehra, president of Khan Market Traders' Association.
"Khan Market is a global brand, people across the globe know it by this name. Salman Khan should have taken us into confidence before using the market's name for his portal.
Salman had unveiled the shopping portal on his 50th birthday on December 27.
"A gift for my fans. Http://www.KhanMarketOnline.Com register now for a special treat. And lots more to come," he had posted on Twitter.
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Though the portal is yet to become operational, potential customers can register on the site.
The traders body said that Salman's portal will not only leave shoppers confused but also add to the woes of the shopkeepers in the 65-year-old market that has 156 shops and 35 restaurants.