Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar also announced that a road from village Nangal Nunia to Banihari and Government College in Nangal Chaudhary would be named after him.
He also announced a government job for Sujata Devi, wife of the martyr.
Paying tributes to him at village Banihari in Mahendragarh district, Khattar lauded Major Dahiya's extraordinary courage.
"Major Satish Dahiya had brought pride to the state with his supreme sacrifice, and would live on in the hearts of the people of the State, the CM said.
Education Minister, Ram Bilas Sharma, Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare Minister, O P Dhankar, Deputy Speaker, Haryana Vidhan Sabha, Santosh Yadav, Member of Parliament, Dharambir Singh, MLA, Nangal Chaudhary, Abhe Singh Yadav, and MLA, Narnaul, Om Parkash Yadav also expressed condolences.
Major Satish Dahiya, who was deployed in 30 Rashtriya Rifles, belonged to village Banihari in Haryana's Mahendragarh district. He joined the Army in 2009. He is survived by wife, Sujata Devi, and a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter Priya.