The 35-year-old actress, who was in the capital along with co-star Arjun Kapoor to promote the R Balki-directed movie, said the film is not trying to bring any change in the society.
"Films are a medium of entertainment first. This movie is not a documentary on women empowerment or gender equality or is aimed to bring about a change in the society.
"People can see the film and enjoy it and if after watching it they take back some message, that's an add on, but this movie is nowhere a revolution," Kareena told reporters.
The makers initially focused on the unusual storyline of the movie but Arjun says it is more about freedom of choice than on gender equality.
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"The film is not dedicated to women empowerment. It is about the society which should treat men and women equally. Everyone should be free to make choices. We are not the torch bearers of women empowerment. I feel women are very empowered and we need to respect that," Arjun said.
Balki, whose last outing was "Shamitabh", also agreed with the lead pair saying that he never wrote any of his stories with an intention to give a social message.
"In the process of telling the story, if somebody gets a message well and good. But I think the fundamental purpose of the film is entertainment," he said.
"Ki & Ka" will be released on April 1 by Eros International.