Kiara made her debut in 2014 comedy drama film, "Fugly" directed by Kabir Sadanand, and shared screen space with newcomers Mohit Marwah, Vijender Singh, Arfi Lamba and Jimmy Shergill.
"I am grateful that "Fugly" came my way. I did get benefit from the film. There is something coming up (a film) but I can't talk about it. I would like to do romantic, romantic- comedy film," Kiara told PTI.
The actress walked the runway for designer Shaina NC's inaugural show titled "Beti" on day one of the India International Jewellery Week on August 3. She was seen donning an Indian outfit.
"It was a great opportunity to walk the ramp for "Beti" it's a great way to support the cause. Then I walked the ramp for AAKS Jewels. Initially I had butterflies in my stomach but then I was okay," Kiara said.
"I like to keep minimum... I like to keep it subtle. I can't wear too many accessories. I believe less is more," she said.