Crime against children in India has increased by a sharp 11 per cent between 2015 and 2016 , according to the latest data released by the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB).
Going by absolute numbers, it's an increase of 12,786 reported crimes against children across the country.
The total number of crimes against children reported in 2016 was 106958, while 94172 crimes were recorded in 2015.
This, however, does not come as a surprise, as a cumulative analysis done by an NGO, 'CRY Child Rights and You', shows a steady upward trend with a significant increase of more than 500 per cent over a period of the past one decade (1,06,958 in 2016 over 18,967 in 2006).
Further retrospective comparison within the mentioned timeframe points at a sharper rate of increase in the latter quadrennium (2012 to 2016) than that recorded in the former lustrum (2006 to 2011).
Quoting these NCRB data, Komal Ganotra, Director Policy and Advocacy at CRY told PTI, "While this steep rise in numbers might have been the result of increased awareness among the people at large and the law enforcing agencies in recording crimes, it also indicates that children have become increasingly exposed to the risk of becoming victims in recent years."
Elaborating on the way forward on tackling increasing crimes against children, Komal added, "Child protection in our country cannot be ensured with just having legislations and numerous guidelines."