Gunman Stephen Pasceri entered Brigham and Women's Hospital, which is associated with Harvard University, on Tuesday morning seeking Dr Michael Davidson and then shot him twice, police said. He then killed himself, and officers found his body with the weapon shortly afterward.
Pasceri's sister and brother said yesterday they were shocked by his actions and believe he held Davidson responsible for the November death of their mother, who had heart and lung problems.
"I think it comes down to the fact that my brother thought it was the doctor's fault that my mother died," Joly said.
Gregory Pasceri told The Boston Globe his brother, who was from Millbury, recently learned about a lung medication the doctor prescribed for his mother, which his brother believed caused a fatal complication.
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"It really destroyed my brother," Gregory Pasceri said. "I had no idea he was going to take it to that extreme." Four of Davidson's colleagues said he was a doting father and a caring doctor and mentor who also played in a rock band with co-workers.
Brigham and Women's president Betsy Nabel said the hospital would evaluate its safety protocols. The hospital said it was "truly devastating" that Davidson's life was taken "in this horrible manner."
"Dr Davidson was a wonderful and inspiring cardiac surgeon who devoted his career to saving lives and improving the quality of life of every patient he cared for," the hospital said in a statement.