Five fishermen, four hailing from fishing hamlets here and one from neighbouring Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala were arrested by Iranian authorities last month while fishing in Arabian Peninsula.
All of them were in a single boat and detained for fishing allegedly in Iranian territory. Employees of a fishing firm in Qatar, they have now been lodged in a detention enclave in Kish Island in Iran pending probe.
The 41-year-old Louis has health complications and was not allowed to take medication for his ailment. "His hands and legs have stiffened. We are worried," he added.
Sasi's wife is deeply distressed that her husband is in detention on foreign soil when she had conceived for the first time nearly a decade after their marriage.
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The State and Central governments have already been petitioned through the Kanyakumari District authorities, he said. "Steps must be taken immediately to expedite their release," he said.
through aid workers.
Arokiam, Anthonis, Thadeuse (Kerala) and Antony are the others who have been detained and their families have also appealed to the authorities to expedite their release.