The MACT asked Reliance General Insurance, with which the offending vehicle was insured, to pay Rs 25,69,000 to the kin of 39-year-old victim Shish Pal Singh, who was knocked down dead by the speeding truck while returning home at Rohtak in Haryana on a scooter with his brother on May 26, 2008.
"In view of documentary evidence in the form of record of criminal case...And in view of the testimony of eye witnesses, it is reasonable to infer that Shish Pal died on account of his scooter being hit by the truck which was being driven by respondent number one (driver) rashly and negligently," MACT presiding officer Rekha Rani said.
The order came on the plea filed by the victim's family members, who claimed Rs 45 lakh as compensation from the owner, driver and and insurer of the truck.
In their plea, they said on May 26, 2008 evening, Singh and his brother Devi Charan were returning to Rohtak on a scooter, when they were hit by the truck from behind.
They said both fell down on the road and the rashly-driven truck crushed Singh's head after which the truck driver fled from the spot. Singh was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was declared "brought dead" by the doctors, they said.
During the pendency of the case, the driver and owner of the truck filed their written reply in the court alleging that a false case had been registered against them as no accident was caused by the vehicle.
Nar Singh, driver of the truck, said he neither drove the vehicle rashly nor hit Singh's scooter, but the MACT rejected their claims.