MACT Presiding Officer Arun Bhardwaj directed National Insurance Company Limited, with which the offending vehicle was insured, to pay Rs 21.44 lakh to the parents, brother and sisters of 25-year-old victim Krishna Nandan Kumar.
"Therefore, total compensation payable to the petitioners would be Rs 21,44,916 which shall be payable with interest at 7.5 per cent per annum...," the tribunal said.
The order came on a plea by Krishna's family members who claimed a compensation of Rs 50 lakh saying he had died in a road accident on May 25 last year due to rash and negligent driving by the driver of a car which hit the scooter that Krishna was riding pillion.
Krishna and his friend Yetendra Kumar was going to Gurgaon on scooter, they said adding that when the two reached Dwarka link road here, a Maruti car hit the scooter due to which the victim fell down and came under the front wheels of the car and sustained grievous injuries.
He was rushed to the AIIMS Trauma Centre by the police but he died during the treatment, they said, adding Krishna was the sole bread earner of their family.
The driver and owner of the car contested their plea and said the police had falsely implicated them in the case.
The tribunal, however, awarded the compensation to the family members of the deceased observing that the driver and owner of the car were unable to show that the accident had taken place due to the negligence of the scooterist.